Dear Southern Worcester County Educational Collaborative Community,

I am thrilled to be a part of the SWCEC Community as your new Executive Director. My role as the Director of Special Services for SWCEC over the past year has been incredibly enlightening and uplifting. Affording me the opportunity to provide our students with excellence in learning, growth, and community building has been inspiring and I look to continue the great work that happens here. Our mission is to provide our communities with a diverse array of programming, services, and professional development in an ever-changing environment.

The past school year has certainly been unique in its demands of all educators in response to the COVID-19 situation across our nation. The staff at SWCEC certainly rose to the occasion and have developed a wide range of remote learning opportunities for students and families. It is our hope and our expectation that in the near future we will be able to re-open our doors to student learning and get back to the fantastic work of educating students in a compassionate and therapeutically based environment. There will be communication that follows providing parents, guardians, and school districts as to the next steps for an eventual re-opening of our doors.

I am pleased that you have taken the time to look into SWCEC and hope you find more time to browse through the different programs and services that SWCEC offers for its students within this website. Our mission is to be responsive to our school districts and student needs while providing the utmost in care and educational opportunity for their continued growth as learners.

Yours in education,

Arnold Lundwall

Executive Director, SWCEC